Vignesh Vyas
Vignesh Vyas is an Occupational Therapist & Therapeutic Filmmaker who has been providing therapeutic filmmaking sessions for the past 11 years. With a goal-focused approach, Vignesh helps individuals identify their goals through various assessments, activities and creative avenues such as therapeutic filmmaking.
Vignesh has a MSc in Occupational Therapy and a MA in Film Production.
Our individual sessions are tailored to your specific needs. Based on your need, Vignesh uses the relevant assessments to help individuals enable independence and identify their goals. Whether it's anxiety, depression, or stress, Vignesh's goal & solution focused approach could help you set and work towards your goals.
Our group sessions are designed to implement fun, creative sessions through therapeutic filmmaking. Team Work is a key aspect of Filmmaking - and this session provides opportunity for group to share roles, and co-produce multiple films. Vignesh uses therapeutic filmmaking to facilitate group discussions and collaboratively work towards identifying one's goals.
Vignesh will provide OT specific, and Therapeutic Filmmaking training sessions for various settings: Schools, Universities, Business/Organisations etc... The topics could range from clinical reasoning, to trauma-informed approach, and therapeutic filmmaking - where we would explore how to use films and filmmaking within your setting to help improve the productivity of your students/staff. Peer-support and Co-production will be a key element of this approach.